For almost 3 years, i battled with diabetes. It affected different aspects of my life because i was mostly indoors. I bought this product last month and started using it. Within two weeks, my legs started reducing to normal size. Even my doctor said that the diabetes has disappeared from my body
I discovered i had diabetes early last year. And ever since then, my body has not been the same. It affected many parts of body but especially my leg. They began to swell and become heavy. Around October last year, a doctor told me to get this product and start using it which i did. Diabetes started leaving my body gradully. My legs also started going down.
I could not go work for close to 2 years because of my condition. This affected my family financially because i could no longer take care of them properly. At some point, we had to start begging for food. Early this year, a friend of mine bought this product to me and told me to start using. Within two 3 weeks, my health started getting better. In fact, i have started going back to work and feeding my family properly.
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